Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Greetings from the East

Greetings!  Even though it’s March, this is my first newsletter of 2012 so I would like to thank each of you for giving me the privilege of serving you as Master of Acacia Lodge.  We have a wonderful lodge and I look forward to an exciting year.  Again, Thank You.

The BBQ is fast approaching!  Brethren, we NEED your help.  We have some senior citizen members who have worked tirelessly at these BBQ’s for years while some younger members never show up to help.  PLEASE do your part and let’s give these seniors some help!  When called, be willing to help. 

Brethren, as you all know, everything is going up in price.  Because of this, we have had to go up on the price of the BBQ tickets, from $8 to $10.  While this may seem steep, the cost of the BBQ plates is in line with commercial BBQ restaurants in Aiken/Augusta Area, and in most cases, we are still lower. 

Now on to more pleasing news; our Eastern Star Sisters will be holding a public installation on March 31st at 2 PM.  This is a Saturday.  These ladies work hard for our lodge and we have a super relationship and respect for them.  They came out in force for our public installation and we should do the same to support them.  I, for one, have never been involved with the Eastern Star meetings so this should prove very interesting.  Come on out and support them.

A closing thought:  “Masonry gives a man nothing but the tools with which he may discover himself.  In other words, we present him with a mirror.  The true secret lies in his choice of whether or not he will look in that mirror.  If he turns away, he will find nothing at all in our rituals and assemblies.  Even though he be a Mason, with as many modes of recognition as he may obtain, he will never understand that secret, and as a result will never understand why we cherish it. From “Observing the Craft-The Pursuit of Excellence in Masonic Labour and Observance” by Andrew Hammer

Please come join us at our upcoming BBQ, meetings, and degree work.

Jon Majerus, WM