Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Lodge Details

Next Meeting

Friday, March 7, 2025 at 8pm

Stated Communication

First Monday of every month
Dinner is at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm

Master of the Lodge

W. Bro. Brannon Cole

Mailing Address

PO Box 6517
North Augusta, SC 29861-6517

Location (Map)

499 Brookside Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841


Spring BBQ April 16   March 19, 2016

The Spring Barbecue for Acacia Lodge no. 315 AFM will be held on Saturday, April 16th beginning at 11:00 AM, and continuing until 4:00 PM (or until we run out). Ticket prices are $12.00 each, and includes all you can eat buffet (dine-in only) or take-out meals.

From the Secretary   December 12, 2015

Brethren and Ladies,

I have decided to step aside as the Secretary of Acacia Lodge. It has been my honor and privilege to serve in this position for 10 years. W. Bro. Joel Casey will be the new secretary for 2016. The best to you, Brother Joel. Thank you all for your support over these last 10 years, and God Bless each of you.


Greetings from the East   December 12, 2015


By the time this reaches you, we will have installed the new officers for 2016. I look forward to watching those brothers performing their duties and growing as men. I have great confidence in them and feel that I am leaving our lodge in the very best hands we have.

I hope that you will have a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Let us not forget, in this busy season, the real reason for our celebrations. May you find peace and releief in your devotions to our Holy Creator. Enjoy time spent with friends and family and live each day as though it is your last. Say "I love you" to all of those you hold dear and don't let your last words be angry ones.