Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Lodge Details

Next Meeting

Friday, February 7, 2025 at 8pm

Stated Communication

First Monday of every month
Dinner is at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm

Master of the Lodge

W. Bro. Brannon Cole

Mailing Address

PO Box 6517
North Augusta, SC 29861-6517

Location (Map)

499 Brookside Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841


Blood Drive January 6   December 25, 2011

Acacia Lodge #315, A.F.M. will be sponsoring a blood drive for Shepeard Community Blood Center.

Shepeard will be at the lodge with it's bloodmobile on Friday, January 6, 2012 from 1 PM - 5 PM. The lodge, which is located on Brookside Ave. by the N.A. Community Center, will be open and refreshments will be served. 

The public is invited and encourage to come and "give the gift of life". 

40 Year Service Awards   November 30, 2011

40 year service awards will be presented at the December communication for Brothers:

Jack Cozart, Sr.
Travis M. Moyer
Ray C. Hitt
Johnny M. Williams
James H. Cloud

Greetings from the East   November 30, 2011


This will be my last communication as your Worshipful Master. When I started my Masonic journey, thirty-some years ago, I was content to sit on the the sidelines and work in the quarry without any recognition. Several of our Past Masters offered me the chance to get in the line, but I was still content to site on the sides. But finally WB Mike Terry said he needed someone to fill a chair and I agreed, thinking it was only for a year but I enjoyed myself so much that I wanted to continue my journey to the East.

Thank you WB Mike.

Greetings from the West   November 30, 2011


We have had a great year at Acacia Lodge! Here's a recap:

First, both BBQ's were very successful, even though the Fall BBQ was short on help. Please try to give us a hand next year - even if only for a few hours. We need YOU!

Next, we've had a lot of degree work again this year, with more to come. November 11, FC Bro. Michael Harp will be raised to the sublime degree of MM. Be sure to congratulate him when you see him.

Greetings from the West   August 10, 2011


Now that summer vacations are over and school is back in session, I hope we can see more of you at the lodge.  As usual, the summer month’s attendance has been a little low due to vacations and such.