Acacia Lodge no.315
North Augusta, South Carolina
Ancient Free Masons
of South Carolina

Lodge Details

Next Meeting

Friday, February 7, 2025 at 8pm

Stated Communication

First Monday of every month
Dinner is at 6:45pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm

Master of the Lodge

W. Bro. Brannon Cole

Mailing Address

PO Box 6517
North Augusta, SC 29861-6517

Location (Map)

499 Brookside Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841


Greetings from the East   August 24, 2015

I have the sad duty of informing you of the passing of our friend and brother, Worshipful Brother William A. Driver. In honor of our brother, we will name the Fall BBQ the William A. Driver Memorial BBQ. We will all miss his presence during this event.

I hope that you will all come out and support this event and share your Memories of Bill with the brothers on September 26th. We can all use the help we can get. Many hands make the job easier. The Eastern Star ladies will have a table selling cakes and pies for dessert. You can bring your favorite and donate.

Bro. Griner receives 50 year award   June 10, 2015

Brother Elbert Julius Griner was presented with his 50 year award, which he received at his home on May 24, 2015.  Bro. Griner actually achieved 50 yrs. of Masonic membership and service in 2013 but could not be presented the award due to health and other issues.

Shown is Mrs. Griner pinning the 50 year pin on Bro. Griner as RW Bro. Jon Majerus, DDGM- 6th Masonic District and Wor. Bro. Tom Hill, Wor. Master of Acacia Lodge no. 315, North Augusta look on.

Greetings from the East   September 16, 2014


Just as Summer starts to cool down and turn into Autumn, we have another BBQ coming right around the corner. I hope to see all of you there, and I’m thankful that we have this chance to fellowship and work together. Many hands make light work, so please come out and support your lodge by volunteering for whatever work you can do.

In October, we will have some more degree work. Please come out and take part in initiating these fine young men into Freemasonry and help see them on the way through their Masonic journey.

Greetings from the East   August 16, 2014


I’d like to thank all the visitors, brothers, and officers for the wonderful turnout and participation at the last MM°. It is indeed good to see all of the young interest in Freemasonry continue the way it has.

In fact, we will soon have another EA° and there seems to be little sign of increasing membership slowing down. Keep doing whatever you’re doing to make Freemasonry attractive to the world at large, and keep being the good-men-made-better that inspires other men to seek admission into our beloved fraternity.

Greetings from the East   June 24, 2014


I hope this finds you all well. As we close out the first half of the year, I pray that the best is still to come for us all in 2014.

First, I'd like to remind everyone that our July meeting will be held on the SECOND Friday of the month, July 11th, rather than on the 4th. Second, I'd like to say that this will be the second downstairs meeting of the year. This way, those brothers who normally can't make it to meetings because of the stairs don't have to  miss out on all the brotherly love and affection.